Coaxial Cables & Connectors

Capacitec Coaxial Cables & Connectors Capacitec Coaxial Cables & Connectors Capacitec Coaxial Cables & Connectors

Coaxial Extension Cables

An example of a typical standard coaxial extension cable is a 5-foot extension cable with female BNC to male BNC connectors (Model EC-D-L2-5) 

Many coaxial extension cables are available depending upon connector types. Please contact us for additional information and part numbers.

Cable Temperature Range for “A” & ”E” Probes

Type L2 OD .093” (2.36) Teflon ~ 30 pF/ft (90/m), -65°F to 400°F (54°C to 205°C)

Type L3 OD .063” (1.60) Teflon ~ 26 pF/ft (78/m), -65°F to 446°F (-54°C to 230°C)

Cable Temperature Range for “V” Probes, -98°F to 1600°F (-72°C to 870°C)

Type T OD .063” (1.60) Semi-rigid Inconel 600 powder filled ~ 60 pF/ft (180/m)

Type N OD .142” (3.61) Flexible Inconel Braided ~ 20 pF/ft (60/m)

Type ND OD .165” (4.19) Low Impedance Shield Version of N ~ 35 pF/ft (105/m)


Coaxial Connectors

Standard coaxial connectors for Capacitec sensors are BNC connectors. Microdot and MCX connectors are optional. Additional custom connectors may be available upon request.

When measurement is required inside sealed enclosures such as vacuum chambers, Capacitec can assist in locating special isolated coaxial “pass through” connectors.

Standard multi-coax connectors are available for customers using multiple channels of electronics and looking to simplify their connections.

Please contact Capacitec technical experts for additional information on available connector options.


Standard Coaxial Cables and Connectors

EC-A-L2-5 Female
Male Microdot L2 5'
EC-AB-L2-5 Female
Male Microdot L2 5'
EC-B-L2-5 Female BNC Male Microdot L2 5'
EC-BB-L2-5 Female BNC
Panel Mount
Male Microdot L2 5'
Image Placeholder
Male BNC L2 5'
EC-CB-L2-5 Female
Male BNC L2 5'
EC-D-L2-5Image Placeholder Female BNC Male BNC L2 5'
EC-DB-L2-5 Female BNC
Panel Mount
Male BNC L2 5'
Male Microdot Male Microdot L2 5'
Male Microdot Male Suhner L2 5'
Male Microdot Male Suhner 90° L2 5'
Female Microdot Male Suhner L2 5'
EC-BM-L2-5 Male Microdot Male BNC L2 5'
EC-CMX-L2-5 Male Suhner Male BNC L2 5'
EC-DM-L2-5Image Placeholder Male BNC Male BNC L2 5'
EC-3FX-3FX-TF-0.75 Male Suhner 90° Male Suhner 90° Flex 9"
2EC-MX90-MX90-L2 Male Suhner 90° Male Suhner 90° L2 Spiral Wrapped With Ground Cable 5'
2EC-CMX90-L2-5 Male BNC Male Suhner 90° L2 Spiral Wrapped With Ground Cable 5'
2EC-MX90-FTRW Gapman/
Male Suhner 90° L2 5'
EC-CMT-L2-5 Male Trompeter Male Trompeter L2 5'
EC-DM90-L2-5 Male BNC Male BNC 90° L2 5'
EC-DOP-L2-5 #750 Plug Female BNC L2 5'
EC-FMX-L2-5 Female Suhner Male BNC L2 5'
EC-MBM-L2-5 Male BNC (Mini) Male Microdot L2 5'
EC-MDM-L2-5 Male BNC (Mini) Male BNC L2 5'
EC-XMX-L2-5 Male Suhner Male Suhner L2 5'
EC-XMX90-L2-5 Male Suhner Male Suhner 90° L2 5'
EC-MB-MB-L2-5 Female Bulkhead
Female Bulkhead Microdot L2 5'
EC-MX90-MX90-L2-5 Male Suhner 90° Male Suhner 90° L2 5'